Once I finally accepted that my place, I asked God to help me find a way to reach out to you. Initially, I thought of hosting a Bible study in my home but that just didn't fit what I felt God was calling me to do. After many conversations with God, he finally gave me the idea of using my writing skills in a blog for girls, thus Girl Time with God was born. The goal of this blog is to provide encouragement and practical applications for walking in your faith while walking the halls of your schools and homes. I would love to hear your testimonies and feedback of how God uses this blog in your life. I don't claim to be a great Bible scholar, just a obedient disciple on a God ordained mission.
But before we move ahead, there are 2 things about me that you should know upfront. One, I’m a keep it simple kind of person. I don’t like fluff ‘n stuff. I like real, practical knowledge I can use right now. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to dig deep in theology or history, just that when all is said and done, I need to know how to live out what I’ve learned and not just leave it stuck in my head.
Second, I don’t beat around the bush. Anyone who knows me will tell you I can be brutally honest and candid. In other words, you might not be comfortable with everything you read on here because it may just hit too close to home. I only ask that you read with an open heart and ask God to show you what He wants YOU to get out of it. The most awesome thing about God is that he has a special message for each of us, if we only take time to see it!
With all that said, let’s get ready to have some Girl Time with God!